Wednesday, November 29, 2006
You like this star ... let me go and pick it for you !
Now with this SkyScout, you can no longer name any random stars after any girl's name. You can look thru the viewfinder and the LCD will show you right away the name, radius, mass and even mythology. You could have make up some stories, but now this device will leave you in the dark all by yourself.
Price is set to be around $400 ... a little steep ... but the technology is impressive, built-in GPS so the device knows its location, and with the electric compass it knows the direction it is pointing at, and also an accelerometer detertmines the angle.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
Very old MTV from group of singers in HK
Got it from someone, I can't believe back then people actually liked that kind of style. I just can't help myself from laughing ... And some of the comments from youtube is horrible too, "are they gay?" ....
Monday, November 06, 2006
Changing keyboard ... as it needs to be ...
Think about this, when you hit the "Caps Locks", all your key on the keyboard actually showed you the upper case of the letters. Ops ... I don't look at the keys when I type ... that's the catch, but it'll be so good for any gamers or lazy people who wants one-clicks to start any application.
Each key packs with full-color OLED display that can show icons or characters in any language. And they will change accordingly ... when you play quake, it shows only the equivalent keys and when you're typing chinese, it shows only the "chong kit" .. (it doesn't describe this feature, I'm just guessing it should).
Price not set yet ... available in 2007, I would imagine it costs more than 200 !! Btw, it doesn't has an ergonomic version yet ...