Friday, December 08, 2006
iPod Docking with Bath Tissue Holder
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
You like this star ... let me go and pick it for you !
Now with this SkyScout, you can no longer name any random stars after any girl's name. You can look thru the viewfinder and the LCD will show you right away the name, radius, mass and even mythology. You could have make up some stories, but now this device will leave you in the dark all by yourself.
Price is set to be around $400 ... a little steep ... but the technology is impressive, built-in GPS so the device knows its location, and with the electric compass it knows the direction it is pointing at, and also an accelerometer detertmines the angle.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
Very old MTV from group of singers in HK
Got it from someone, I can't believe back then people actually liked that kind of style. I just can't help myself from laughing ... And some of the comments from youtube is horrible too, "are they gay?" ....
Monday, November 06, 2006
Changing keyboard ... as it needs to be ...
Think about this, when you hit the "Caps Locks", all your key on the keyboard actually showed you the upper case of the letters. Ops ... I don't look at the keys when I type ... that's the catch, but it'll be so good for any gamers or lazy people who wants one-clicks to start any application.
Each key packs with full-color OLED display that can show icons or characters in any language. And they will change accordingly ... when you play quake, it shows only the equivalent keys and when you're typing chinese, it shows only the "chong kit" .. (it doesn't describe this feature, I'm just guessing it should).
Price not set yet ... available in 2007, I would imagine it costs more than 200 !! Btw, it doesn't has an ergonomic version yet ...
Monday, May 01, 2006
Copied frome someone's xanga ... I used to not like doing this, but I think it is good to keep in here to remind myself ... it's a long story, I used to hate reading too, and now maybe getting more mature, I start to like digesting this type of passage.
初戀總是寶貴的,令人難忘的,遺憾的是,十有八九的初戀, 都不能成為婚姻,因為不能成為婚姻,初戀又顯得更為寶貴,讓人回味無窮。
在一次大學舊生會,重遇初戀情人Alice。Alice 當年是眾男生的夢中情人,公認的美人兒。就是現在,仍比實際年齡漂亮年輕。
當初,為了一個誤會,再加兩人的自尊心特強,就這樣分開了。後來,Alice 去了外國 ,阿偉留在 香港。
不料二十年後重逢Alice 。
次日 ,Alice 打電話邀阿偉去淺水灣酒店燭光晚餐,阿偉問:「是不是請我太太一起去?」 Alice 回答:「 我只想請你一個人,我們已失卻太多時光,現在是彌補的時候。」
「你不是怕老婆吧?」 Alice 譏諷他 。「我怕老婆!」 他直認不諱。「我好怕不自覺地令她不開心。」
幾日後,Alice 又特地讓速遞公司送來一封信,信封上寫明要他親啟,並且注明:only for you!阿偉將信原封退回。
Alice很不忿氣。她見過阿偉的太太,已中年發福,且不擅修飾,像個屋村師奶,相反,自己比實際年齡要年輕得多,風韻猶存。當年阿偉追她追得這樣熱烈,他不可能對她失去feeling 的,一定是阿偉的太太兇神惡煞。
她一不做二不休,當下親身到他診所去 。「阿偉 ,你只需講 yes or no 。 你仍對我有feeling 嗎?你還愛我嗎?你以前是十分愛我的。」阿偉只笑笑。「愛一個人與恨一個人同樣需要精力和能力。感情過去了,應該無愛無恨,古人說,一笑泯恩愁。讓已過去的、無 法改變的事實影響目前,根本毫無好處。我已將我的全部愛分給我的家人,而且,我已過了這種玩浪漫感情的年紀了。」
Al ice 仍不死心。「 你真的愛你太太?還是僅出於一種義務和責任?賽過當年對我那份初戀之情?」
愛,只是一種行為,動物也懂得用舔觸等動作表示「愛」,然而, 唯有愛情,才是人類獨有的能力。一個情字,令人類愛的行為,變得成熟、深沉,由一種單一的行為上升為一種情懷。我很懷念我們的初戀 ,但我更珍惜我和太太的婚姻,珍惜我們一起走過的這段路。」
因為愛她,他也尊重她,由她選擇她自己喜歡的生活方式。「我們互相看著白髮開始萌生,皺紋出現,因為這後面包含著許多只有我們兩人知道的故事, 孩子的出世,我們第一間屋的喬遷,雙方父母病故的哀痛,我們升職,她的一次有驚無險的大手術… … 點點滴滴都寫在她和我的皺紋上,也只有她和我才懂得。
至於你,Alice, 我很懷念那段我們花樣的年華,但我不會用現在幸福充實的家庭生活去交換那段時日的延續,這只有百害而無一利。如果我們都珍惜我們的初戀,珍惜這次難得的二十年後的重逢,我們就這樣互相握手、互道「珍重」吧 ! 」
Alice 聽了這番話,默默擁抱了阿偉,轉頭就走。人說 ,蒼蠅不叮無縫的蛋。今天婚外情、一夜情泛濫,但這絕成不了你忽略她、冷淡她的理由 。
Friday, March 31, 2006
Brussels, Beligum (arriving from UK via EuroStar)
Next time, I know I'll go to the tuck-shop-like stall on the train to buy food before the train even departs. Most of the normal food was gone and the pesron in front of me bought the last sandwiches ... so I finally only got a chocolate cake and a cup of tea.
So I arrived the Gare Du Central station, with the experience of my last Paris' trip, I was very cautious going to which platform and getting on which train with the confusion of French. Interesting enough, this main station has 2 types of train .. one kind (likes the muni here or LRT in HK) goes thru the middle of the platform and the other kind (likes our Bart or MTR in HK) goes thru the side of the platform. So that takes me a while to figure out and I still went on the wrong one 'cos they don't list all the station somehow ...
At around 12 o'clock, I finally arrived on the West-End of the city, which later I discovered that it's like a more "hip" or wealthier side of city, that's full of nice boutique and restaurant. Picture shown was taken right at the surface of underground the next morning. Quick is the Beligum clone of "McDonald", but more popular and localized than "McDonald".
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
"Hm ... Donar kabab ... huh !?"
My co-worker Ian suggested to go to a kabab place for lunch ... the one that is always on my way from hotel to the tube station, so of course I opted in together with Alex. My Russian co-worker Alex also picked the donar kabab and we went back to the office to eat it. It felt kinda strange 'cos they both finished their own kabab in 10 or 15 minutes. But mine is like never-finished ... no matter how fast I eat, it seems the same size .. so they went back to the seat without waiting for me ... and as usual, I'm like a goldfish, not sure when to stop. I had to eat with coke so I can finish more ... oh well.
I started to feel weird about 4 o'clock .. and felt like I wanna go, but can't go ... u know ... and finally I was so tired and went back to hotel at around 6. I threw up heavily ... I don't think I ever done that before ... I felt like I'm one of those "ghost" in those horror movie that spit out tons and tons of water. So my nice contemporary toilet in hotel became a mess, the donar kabab smell that stayed with me for the next 2 weeks were everywhere ...
I decided to call the SOS Worldwide, see how much I get covered if they send a doctor in or if I go to the hospital. And I tried ordering some hot liquid to eat, and un-surprisingly, the only soup they have is CREAM of mushroom .. haha. So I ordered a hot tea ... for my first time ever, like a wealthy person, ordered room service and they charge me 2.5 pounds for tea and 2 pounds for room service. Hm ... a tea-bag tea costs over US $9.
Finally, I think I better go to hospital by cab, so hotel got a cab for me and he just took me to wherever the closet hospital, which I think it's called "Barts and the London". Time was arbout 1040 I think. Dragging my tiring body, I kinda slowly crawled around and see where the A&E is ... it was quite scary at first to me, I was the only Asian while the other patients are mostly arabic ... and some lady carrying a baby cut in line in front of me ... and what can I say ... I don't want to argue ... i just have no strength.
After 20-30 minutes, I finished all the paperworks and they directed me to a waiting area, where I eventually got a chair to lie down after 40 minutes of standing ... and I was on and off slept and hoping htat it's my turn ... i think i started to feel better .. haha ... 'cos I managed to feel thirsty ...
So don't know when ... probably like 1 or 2 in the monring, i finally got to see a nurse, and they took some blood and urine from me for testing. The doctor finally came to see me after an hour of waiting in the room. He wants me to do IV (or drip or watever it's called) for hydration. Since I started to feel much better, i used the cellphone to take some pictures ... it probably means that I'm kinda recovered.
So they don't know what happpened, but since I have to wait for the blood result to come back ... I have to stay ... so I lied in the bed for 1 hour and half ... and I walked down and asked them when I can go ... and then sent me back .. haha ... so i stayed again and the nurse came by and told me that i am going to the ward ... gosh ... oh well, later I found out from the doctor that someone in A&E was disturbing other patients, so they want to send me away .. haha, it's really quite something.
Anyway ... i got into this single bedroom ... and slept on and off, in between nurse came in and check my temperature. I think around 6 0r 7, the light was all ON and 3 doctors came in with a nurse. I thought something bad must have happened to me ... then one of the doctor checked my body and asked me questions ... and of course, the same thing after everyone see my chart, "Hm ... Donar kabab ... huh!?"
She discharged me finally but I still have to wait for the nurse to come by and take off the IV tube for me ... so I waited and a non-brit lady stop by and asked me what kind of breakfast i want ... and she mumbled something, and I heard congee ... :D Without any hesitation, I want congee .. haha .. i was so surprised that a hospital in London has congee ... oh well .. a congee is actually
Anyway, i tasted 2 spoon and I had to give up ... sorry ... the same lady came back for the used bowl and she was so disappointed to see my almost-full-bowl ... she said to me, "oh ... u didn't like my congee ... argh ... it's my first time making it ... ". Oh well ...
So I finally got to leave the hospital and I called a cab and headed back to the hotel and stayed there for the day ... I asked my boss whether Alex has any problem ... his response is "he can't be any stronger" ... :D
"Hm ... Donar kabab ... huh !?"
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
接著繼續說:「分散他們對救主的專注及維持他們所有時間都是在那種與主耶穌似有實無的關係中」其中一個邪靈叫道: 「我們可以怎樣做到呢?」
撒旦回答:「不斷讓他們忙碌著一些對他們生命不必要的事並且為他們炮製無窮無盡的計謀去充斥他們的思想。」繼續說:「引誘他們不斷的消耗、消耗、消耗,不斷的借、借、借」。「說服他們的妻子們去做一份長時間的工作及他們的丈夫一星期做足七日每日工作至少10-12個鐘頭,以致他們大家完全無法享受生活及無時間陪伴他們的兒女。只要他們的家庭快快被破壞, 他們自己就連這個可以舒緩他們從工作中得的壓力的地方都無了。」
「極度刺激他們的思想以致他們無法聽到神微少的聲音。誘使他們在任何地方都開著聽著收音機或其他音響器材。讓他們的TV電視機、VCR錄影機、CDs鐳射碟及PCs電腦不停在他們的家播放, 不單如此,更要在他們身邊所有接觸的環境包括餐廳、店舖都不停播放著不屬神的音樂。這樣就會阻塞他們的腦筋及打挎他們與耶穌的聯合。」
「不斷讓那些骨廋如柴又美麗的模特兒充斥在雜誌及電視上好叫他們的丈夫們相信外邊的女士總是更有吸引力、以致他們開始對自己的妻子不滿足。讓他們的妻子又因忙碌過度到不能在晚上時愛他們的丈夫,不單如此, 讓她們亦有頭痛。若果她們不能給予她們丈夫需要的愛,他們就會開始另覓新歡,這樣可以很快的破壞他們的家庭。」
「給他們製造一個名叫聖誕老人的人物擾亂他們正確教導他們子女聖誕節的真正意思。在復活節時為他們設計復活蛋及復活兔以致他們不會再講耶穌的救贖及耶穌勝過死亡和罪的能力。」「就是他們的娛樂也不要放過, 讓他們玩樂得過份而倦死。讓他們因太忙碌而無法到大自然欣賞神的創造。取而代之, 給他們各種各類新奇的公園,運動項目,電影, 音樂會,最重要是叫他們過度沉迷。忙碌、忙碌、忙碌。」
「切記用那些似是而非, 無關痛癢甚至他們會認為有意義的事擠擁他們的生命以致他們毫無時間去尋求耶穌的能力。不要多久, 他們就會很快的用自己以為有的能量(己力)來生活甚至不惜犧牲他們的健康及家庭, 只是為了那些似是而非, 無關痛癢甚至他們會認為有意義的事, 這是必定可行的,這是必定可行的。」
這個似乎是一個可行的計劃!邪靈們已經熱烈地開始好叫那些全世界信耶穌的人愈來愈忙碌, 愈來愈匆忙,走來走去, 都不知道正在做什麼。然後我們就會發現愈來愈少時間給神及神為我們預備的家庭。更加無時間去告知其他人關於耶穌的能力可改變生命。
我想問題是:「撒旦的計劃是否真的會成功呢?」你的決定將會成為牠計劃的成與敗。你可知道Busy 的意思嗎?
B -eing 正在
U -nder 處於
S -atan's 撒旦的
Y -oke 枷鎖
Monday, March 13, 2006
Farewell ... L Jeh ... grow strong and live a good life
I really don't know what I want to do, why I'm feeling that, or it's just the 'unhappy side of me' coming out all of the sudden.
All I wanna do now is to focus on my work ... but all I want to do now is to go out and stare at the very nice blue sky and listen to sad songs.
L Jeh ... I didn't realize you have so much impact to all of us, not until u step inside the custom door. All I can do is to make stupid, silly jokes ... or talked about this and that with Shamson and Lucian to avoid myself burst out any tears. I know everyone was trying really hard and I know you did too. I guess that's true to every tiny thing in our lives, we dunno how important it is until we about to lose it.
不要走 大鐘即使敲響 你別放開手
成年後 什麼都不可再 有成人遷就
不要走 前去在人群內 會磨鍊到夠
可見將來 日子總會有 順逆流
不過此時 獲得的愛顧 無私愛顧 未夠
Take good care ah .. and I wish you can achievewhat you want and come back soon la ...
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Tax ...
Toaster from NETGEAR !???!?
Today I saw a deal about this "toaster" for over 100 bucks ... of course wasn't too surprised about the price since there is some english-made toaster costs over 200 bucks .. haha ... can't believe it
But this one ... eh ... from NETGEAR ... I almost thought I will be out of work soon since such a big tech gear manufacture has to manufacture kitchen-ware. :D Luckily this is just a "Storage Central NAS" ... looks quite cool ah, and funny thing is it also has 2 slots ... the guy who designed this must get the idea from a TOASTER !!!!!! Anyway ... it just worths me a little giggle this morning.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Faan Chin ?

Hm ... discussed this earlier on the phone ... I haven't mentioned and thought of these phrases for a while ... maybe my life is fortunate and maybe my life is full of default. Sometimes, I don't get it ... people seems to disregard your kindness ... do they care, do they treasure? What should I do? I am faan chin too ... sigh ... 3 yrs ago I was, now I am too ...
I don't think I'm well these days ... not really sick ... but always so sleepy and tired at work ... i just hate the cube I'm in now ... but I don't know how to improve it. And now it's the middle of night ... I can tell my physical is going down in slope ... and the 24-hour fitness deal is gone .. sigh.
Past weekend ... long 3-day one ... finally laid down the concrete with my parents in the front yard ... now I realized how much work that is and afterall, it's not as difficult as I imagined, but the fun part is how to level out the floor ... 28 bags of 60-lbs of concrete mix .. crazy huh ... i never thought of that ... then how heavy is the road ? wow ...
I feel so bad that my parents finished the last block themselves ... while I was window shopping in SF. And thanks Sarah for taking them to buy the last 2 bags of concrete. I always think I'm taking care of them now, but it's the opposite, they're still taking _VERY_ good care of me ... See ... faan chin ah ... why why ... can i be a better person? Can I stay away with all my bad habit?
Friday, February 17, 2006
V's Day ..
However, I am glad that I brought some surprises to 2 of my very good friends. Sometimes, I wish I can be the one to bring something special to human mankinds .. haha ... like super-man or mother theresa. And in fact, if I can just make 1 person feel special for a day, for a few hours ... which is already very good enough. And I did it few days ago ...
Friday, February 03, 2006
Nothing ...
I see some sort of signal light in front of me, but I don't know what that is ... is it something I shoud pretend I didn't see? Or I should try to run even faster to see the sign sooner? Or I should take it slow and hope that I dun see the signal that would be sad anyways?
Or there is just nothing ... it's a matter of time ... or "jap jurk" of life ... or being stubborn.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Life is always manic
Someone somehow somewhere would enter your life without a note ... and you just can't control ... somehow sometime someone would just leave your life suddenly too ... but leaves so much traces behind you ...
What they left behind could be memorable and could be unforgettable ... I would rather remember all the bad side of things so I would not repeat them again ... however, life is also balanced ... the bad things were usually a result of some unusual, unexpecting, exciting and happy deeds ... it's just a seed of sins ... growing and growing, one day you will hit the pain .. but we still want to grow it ...
If we can all pick again ... what would we do ...