The Tower of London is a place where the kings and queens used to live, and also it's a place where they used as a jail for many people, even queens, prince or other famous people like St. Thomas More. I vaguely remember he said that some king was actually jailed here by his own son and finally died here too. And Thomas More was jailed here such that he could change his mind and lead people to turn away from Catholicism. Of course he didn't and he becomes a Saint.
So I gotta see some jewelrys that Queens and Kings used. I saw a diamond that weigh 3 thousands something carat ... it didn't get polished, so it looks like a piece of plastic. I wonder if I see it on the street, I wouldn't even pick it up .. haha ... anyhow, they dun allow to take pictures inside ... so you could only see the exterior.

After that, I went to Webminster Abbey and hoping to go inside ... however, they're closed on Sunday. So I turned around and go to the Webminster Catheral instead, it's quite an old church and it takes me quite a bit of walking before I can get there. A signature of it is there is a McD right outside of the church. It's the usual GRAND looking inside, and I paid 3 pounds to hop into a lift (escalator), driven by an old man, to the top of the tower, so I could see the London. I'm just being cheap, instead of paying 10 or 20 pounds to get on to London Eyes, I chose this one instead. One thing I keep forgetting is these cathedral is not under the Roman Catholic Church ... anyway, I still prayed there for a short period of time.

Then I took the bus to go to British Meseum, where I didn't see the whole thing before they close yesterday. It's just so amazing how all these stuff get "taken" away from their original places and now being stored here. After thinking for a while, maybe it's a good thing la ... at least, they're in good hands. I saw the very famous mummy ... and surprisingly I spent quite a big deal of time reading the description and the history of every pieces ... I wish I have the whole day to really look at every single item carefully.
My final item in the wish list for today is St.